General Terms and Conditions - Crystal MC


Crystal Medical Centre

Crystal Medical Centre, Parmova ulica 53, PE: Štukljeva 46, 1000 Ljubljana, tax number: 94885974, registration number: 9210652000 is responsible for the management of the website and is also the provider of e-commerce services.

The General Terms and Conditions of Use describe the operation of the website, set out the rights and obligations of the user of the website content and services and govern the business relationship between Crystal Medical Centre and the user. The user of the website is bound by these General Terms of Use, which are published and accessible to all users and visitors of the MC Crystal website.

  1. Description of website content

The MC Crystal website offers the following content :

Information on: health services, aesthetic services, medical and cosmetic services, and other services provided by the company. General information for ordering, accessing services and contact details are also provided.

  1. Types of users

Visitors to the MC Crystal website who browse the content have guest status. With this status, he/she can browse all the informative content on the website, and make a request for services.

  1. Protection of personal data

MC Crystal is committed to the permanent protection of all personal data of its users in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, the EU General Data Protection Regulation and other laws and regulations governing the protection of personal data.

  1. Limitation of liability

MC Crystal strives to provide the most accurate, easy-to-understand, high-quality information on the website.

All content published is for informational purposes only, MC Crystal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or any errors in the information published.

The main purpose is to inform the public about the services provided by MC Crystal, to educate them, to simplify procurement procedures, and to ensure successful communication between interested individuals and MC Crystal.

Users follow health recommendations and advice at their own risk. In the event of errors in the text, ambiguities or misunderstandings by the user, MC Crystal shall not be liable for any penalties or damages whatsoever. Crystal Crystal shall have no civil liability in the event that an individual is misdiagnosed or mismedicated on the basis of such misunderstood information. The advice provided on the website is not part of the treatment process and services provided by MC Crystal.

  1. Ordering

Patients can make an appointment for all services provided by Crystal d.o.o. by calling 01/ 235 50 20 and during working hours at the Crystal Medical Centre at Štukljeva 46, Ljubljana, or by e-mail at

  1. Familiarisation with the treatment procedures and obtaining the patient’s consent for the surgical procedure

According to the Patients’ Rights Act, every patient is informed of the following at the time of examination by a doctor in the event of a proposed intervention:

– with his/her state of health,

– the aim, type, method, likelihood of success and expected benefits, outcome, risks, negative consequences and other inconveniences of the intervention or therapy,

– side effects or other possible inconveniences

The patient is informed of all of the above before the procedure or service is carried out, when he or she also receives a copy of the written consent form. Without the written consent of the patient/client, the procedure/therapy cannot be carried out.

  1. MC Crystal’s right to refuse and subsequently withdraw from the operation

Every patient or client has an examination by a specialist at MC Crystal before an aesthetic or dermatological procedure is arranged. On the basis of the examination, discussion with the patient and taking into account other relevant medical documentation provided by the patient, the doctor gives an opinion on the patient’s suitability for the procedure. At the time of this examination, the doctor may give an opinion that the patient is not suitable for any procedure, that the patient is conditionally suitable, meaning that at the time of the examination not all the conditions for the safe performance of the procedure have been met and there is a possibility that this may change over time, or that the patient is suitable for the procedure. If, following the examination, the individual does not choose to undergo the procedure at MC Crystal, MC Crystal is not obliged to reimburse the patient for the cost of the consultation.

The doctor at MC Crystal who will perform the procedure has the right , at any time, for reasons which he/she may conclude increase the risk and reduce the safety and/or effectiveness of the procedure, to withdraws from carrying out the intervention. In the case of reasons related to the patient’s current condition, such as of a transient nature (recovery from a co-morbid condition, other illness, pregnancy) the doctor or therapist may suggest a new date for the procedure or the patient may be informed that the procedure will be receive a new date for the planned procedure at a later date, once the reasons for the current unsuitability for the procedure have passed the intervention.

In the case of a subsequently identified permanent reason for unsuitability for the procedure, the doctor will explain the reasons to the patient.

  1. Patient’s duties

In order to achieve quality and safety of the procedures, the patient is obliged to:

  • to play a role in protecting, promoting and restoring their own health
  • follow the instructions received from experts
  • give the competent doctor or treatment provider all necessary and truthful information concerning his/her state of health that is known to him/her and relevant for his/her follow-up care, in particular information about his/her current and past injuries and illnesses and their treatment, previous interventions, family history of illnesses, possible allergies and medications he/she is taking, and inform health professionals about sudden changes in his/her state of health that occur during treatment;
  • be considerate and respectful of the privacy and other rights of other patients and healthcare professionals;
  • adhere to the published timetables, house rules and organisational procedures of healthcare providers ;
  • inform staff about the possibility of recovering from an infectious disease, in accordance with the internal rules on infection prevention ;
  • comply with hand hygiene standards;
  • Children under 15 years of age must be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians.
  1. Payment options

  • We offer a range of different payment methods for services:
  • payment in cash at the place of service,
  • payment by credit card at the location of the service,
  • payment by prepayment,
  • payment in instalments by credit or debit card at the location of the service.

1. Payment in cash at the place of service

You place your order online and pay for the service in cash at the location of the service.

2. Payment by prepayment

You can pay for the ordered goods at your bank or online bank by transferring them to Crystal d.o.o.’s transaction account. Payment is made on the basis of the invoice received after you have placed your order.

3. Payment by credit or debit card at the location of the service

You can pay for the goods you order securely with a credit card or credit card. payment card (MasterCard, Diners, Visa, Visa

Electron, Maestro) after the service at the service location. The payer must be the same person or organisation that owns the credit card. In cases where the cardholder is not a citizen of Slovenia or is using a credit card not issued in Slovenia and in cases where the payee and the payer are not the same person, we reserve the right to further verify the identity of the payer and to receive a written statement by e-mail that the payer agrees to the payment of the service.

4. Payment by credit or debit card at the location of the service

The number of instalments depends on the amount of the invoice for the service. The minimum instalment is €100.

  1. Complaints and disputes

Crystal Medical Centre strives to provide all medical services in a professional manner, in accordance with the rules of the medical profession and in compliance with applicable legislation. In line with these guidelines, the company also strives to ensure an efficient system for handling complaints.

In case of problems or complaints, users of the MC Crystal website can make a complaint during the operating hours by calling 01/ 235 50 20 or by sending an e-mail to The complaint procedure is confidential. The deadline for submitting a complaint is 30 days after the service has been provided.

As we strive for customer satisfaction, we also take into account the opinions and complaints of those who have already used our services and resolve any disputes amicably.

Every patient who receives a healthcare service at MC Crystal is entitled to all the rights under the Patients’ Rights Act.

Patients who feel that their rights have been violated have the possibility to make a written or verbal complaint to the Complaints Officer at MC Crystal. In exercising his/her rights, the patient is advised, assisted or represented by a patient rights representative. You can find the contact details of the Patients’ Rights Representatives by locality on the website of the Ministry of Health.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use are valid from the date of their publication on the website. We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Use without prior notice to users.

Your continued use of the Mc Crystal website following such notification constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use. We recommend that you review the Terms and Conditions of Use regularly and that you are aware of any changes.

Crystal, medical centre, d.o.o.

Ljubljana, 15.3.2023